Sunday, 29 April 2018

Hope and Fear

Bismillah hir Rahman nir Raheem

In Salat we recite “Al Rahman” which mean the merciful to all things Allah has created and “Al Rahim” which means to a specific group a special mercy for them (the believers). When we say this we are remembering that Allah is very merciful and can forgive us of our sins, therefore we have hope that He will forgive us. Though we have this hope we also have a fear which is clear when we recite “Malik yaum-id-din” in our Salat. Even though He may forgive us, we have no guarantee He will. We should always remember the Day of Judgement, if we do this we would be to afraid to commit a sin. Saying this everyday in our Salat “Malik yaum-id-din” reminds us that His Sovereignty and Domination that day over everything and everyone. Allah’s Mastership on this day is not similar to our imaginary ownership of that which belongs to us from the things of this world (the imaginary ones from this world will disappear that day)
Some may bring up the fact that Shias have intercession on this day so why have fear? There is a hadith Umar Ibn Yazid says that, “I asked Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.), “I have heard you saying that all our Shia’s will enter Heaven however sinful they may be?” Imam replied, “By Allah I had truly said, they shall all belong to Heaven.” Then I asked, “May my life be sacrificed upon you, even if their sins are great and in large number?” Imam said, “All of you (Shias) shall enter Paradise by the intercession of the Holy Prophet (S) or his successors on the Day of Judgement. But, by Allah I fear for you the Barzakh.” I asked,”What is Barzakh?” He replied, “Barzakh is the grave. Its duration commences from the time of death until the Day of Judgement.” (al-Kāfi). With these types of hadith and with intercession we should still not think we are clear and have no worries for the Judgement Day. First we need to realize that intercession is only for those you are not heedless in their prayers. Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) said: “Our intercession is not for those who consider the Prayers unimportant.” or another hadith in this regards “Bab-ul-Hawaij Imam Musa al-Kadhim (a.s.) says: “Our shias are only those who follow us (in every respect), walk in our footsteps and imitate our actions.” (Bihār al-Anwār)” Even if there is intercession on us and we commit so many sins that barzakh doesn’t clean us from those sins we still can enter the fire of Hell for a long period of time. Holy Prophet (S) said, “Verily, a person shall be kept imprisoned in Hell for a hundred years for each of the sins (that he commits).” (al-Kāfi)
In conclusion we should always stay hopeful for His Mercy and yet be fearful so that we repent for our disobedience to Him. We must not be hopeless in His forgiveness and on the same hand fear Him so that our fear will drive us away from committing sins. With that I will end with one more hadith Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) told Mufazzal bin Umar, “If you wish to see one of our devotees then look for that person who abstains from sins and fears more His Creator and remains hopeful of His reward. Whenever you find such an individual then take it for granted that he is one of my devotees.”

Thursday, 26 April 2018

Are We Ready?

As the days approach to our Imams birthday we start to sit and reflect on the question are we ready yet? I start to wonder this question myself. If the Imam came and I needed to sacrifice my life I have built here in this world could I let it all go... could I give up the kids I've raised or the house I adorned.. at first I wanted to say Yes! Yes I am with the imam and I'd give my life for him. But after some reflection I start to notice my own self state, if I would give my life for him then am I doing it now? Many of us struggle with the right decision and making right choices. We struggle with our own selves on being obedient toward Allah and have awareness of Him. Maybe it is we don't give our spouses their rights, or not having aklaq with others, not kind to our parents, don't wear proper hijab, or maybe we haven't accepted Allah allowing certain things for others to have and us not to have. If we sit and wonder why do we do these things I am sure putting all our pride aside we can come to conclusion that we have not submitted to Allah in all things. If we can't submit to Him how can we dare say we will be with our Imam! We need to start removing these vices from our souls and purifying it, gain one by one the virtue. We should reflect at night before closing our eyes to sleep and really see our own state and see how obident we are to Allah and if we are really ready yet?

Friday, 6 April 2018

Borhani Nezam: Reflection of Gender Role

It has been awhile since my last post. Life and a sense that what I wanted to write about would not be ready to be heard and properly understood by my readers so I have refrained for now on writing upon it.

Today however I want to share with all upon a reflection that I think all of us including myself should think about more. After reading a unit on my theology by my professor I started to wonder about how all animals in this world are moving in a perfect manner. Have you ever wondered about the male and the female role in their specific groups? This was my reflection, my reflection was mainly focused on the gender roles in different groups of animals. It was of course not confinded to this but was my focus however I allowed any thoughts in and reflected on it.

Notice the female lion never takes over and dominates the pack or even tries to lead the pack with the male... or what about the babies within the groups of different animals, take for example the birds. The birds as little as can be rely on their mothers to nourish them and help them survive until they take flight and then they stay by her side learning from her. How amazing is it that Allah swt has given all animals a specific role in each of their animal communities. What about us then, has Allah swt given us a role in our communities and in our lives? The answer can be truly reflected upon. If Allah swt created us then we must say He has most certainly created each and everyone of us with a role in our societies and within our homes!

Questions start to bloom.... Have we maintained the role that is specified for us? How do we know where we stand in society especially us women? Is there anything in our religion that gives us the proper direction in order to fufil this role? Has these roles been upheld? What happens if we don't maintain these roles?

Imam Ali (a.s.) quotes the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.) as saying:
"Allah curses those men who make themselves resemble women or those women who make themselves resemble men."
What does this mean does it only mean the way we dress or is it more than that is it in our roles in society and in the homes! Have we been lied to by the world around us? I've grown up all my life in Canada and have been taught that I am not any different than a man and I can do anything just as a man can. Maybe this type of thought became very big with the feminist movement where woman where made to believe we need to be exactly like the man in ever way and that we needed to show an opposition to how woman where treated but going from one extreme which was woman being treated unjustly even Quran speaks about this ignorant times. "And when the girl [who was] buried alive is asked" "For what sin she was killed" (Holy Quran 81:8-9)
But maybe the society has taken the one extreme and went to another extreme but saying and embedding western equality. What is equality? Have they understood it's truth...
Here let's look and reflection on Quran...

"And whoever does righteous deeds, whether male or female, and he/she is a believer - they will enter the Garden, and not the least injustice will be done to them." (Holy Qur’an, 4:124).

"Whoever does good, whether male or female, and is a believer, We shall certainly make him live a good life, and We shall certainly give them their reward for the best of what they did."(Holy Qur’an, 16:97).

"...I will not suffer the work of any worker among you to be lost whether male or female, the one of you being from the other..."(Holy Qur’an, 3:195) 

These ayats so beautiful shows us the equality that was meant and this was based on a spiritual level. But how do we gain this spiritual level, well aqil says listening and obeying Allah swt in all commands! Even if that command goes against what we think, maybe what we think is not right and Allah swt surely is the Knower of all things! We should love Allah swt so much that we listen to Him and that not even our soul would ever go against His commands!

Woman's roles and rights that should be upheld...
Holy Qur'an on hijab:
"O Prophet! Tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers that they should cast their outer garments over them (when abroad); this is more proper, that they should be known (recognized as such) and not molested. And Allah is ever Forgiving, Merciful." (Holy Qur’an, 33:59).

How many of us have been washed away in the backwards thought that removing hijab means a sense of freedom as portrayed to us! I say backwards because truly removing our hijab has given the freedom for men to look at us as an object and what type of freedom is disobeying Allah swt? Our hijab is not just a symbol of freedom from oppression but a sign to the world we won't listen to the extreme view and will obey our Lord!
What about woman's role in the home...

“And among His signs is this, that He created for you mates from among yourselves, that ye may dwell in tranquility with them. And he has put love and mercy between your (hearts): Verily in that are Signs for those who reflect.” [The Holy Qur’an, al-Rum 3:21]

“It is He Who created you from a single person, and made his mate in order that he might dwell with her (in love).” [The Holy Qur’an, al-A'raf 7:189]

What beautiful words that in each the male and female they will find love with each other and they both fulfill their roles will bring upon a harmony in the home and outside! Just like the animals, in the beginning of this blog I said no animal tried to take a different role they where not meant to take. This created them to have a harmony in their groups and in the world as a whole! Allah swt has created us for a specific role and fulfilling that role brings upon the most beautiful thing. We should never feel we are less than a man due to the roles we have been designed for! If we do these duties and obey Allah swt we will be given a great reward for all the hardships or struggles we face.
"Indeed, with hardship [will be] ease." (Holy Quran surah 94:6)

Ghadeer khum, Imam Ali (AS) Appointed?(sunni ref)

What happen at Ghadeer khum? How do we know ahlubayt AS didn't mean wives included? How do we know imam Ali AS was appointed? The event ...