Tuesday, 26 June 2018

Mimicking the bad Culture: My Islam

Salaam alaykom readers,
This blog I want to write and hopes to combat the mimicking of bad culture. I have recently seen how much the bad culture has impacted our Muslims. I know the these are not the only place that have this bad culture. But for the this blog I will be pointing this type of bad culture out that I have seen impact our Muslims at a large.
So many may question or maybe they may even attack me on this topic because many will have this idea that it's not that bad. In fact maybe some will say they only let their children play with toys that are from these bad culture ideas. But I am hoping to stir up a thought, a reflection or hopefully understanding of its  consequences for a temperal pleasure in sha Allah.
When you allow these types of movies or playing with these types of toys one intentionally or unintentionally allows this types of ideas to be feed to their children. Learning something is like bread or water when we consume the knowledge of anything it has an affect on our souls. Just like if I handed my child a piece of haram meat there would be a spiritual and bodily effect of that child. Or if I gave them a halal piece of meat that child would have a better spiritual and bodily state. I want to focus on the spiritual side of this however I have this idea that what effects the soul may effect the body (we just aren't seeing it).
I want to bring to your attention a greater reflection to help us really understand what I am saying. Let's reflect on a well known character that all of you have heard of, maybe even you yourself have watched him or played with a toy that was this character. Batman.

I want to present to you what you may never have known but be certain in this day and age your child already knows about him but not really. They have seen and heard and even may have watched Batman.

Who is Batman? Have you looked into who he is or what he stands for? I mean you may be buying these very toys for your child. This isn't just restricted to Batman but I am using this as an example. Here is a quick over look to who he is... the character that plays Batman is Bruce Wayne he returned to Gotham City after many years of study and training with his body and mind developed to perfection. What is the Islamic view of perfection? Well to answer this I want to share with you a piece from the book 'The Perfect Man' by Ayatullah Murtadha Mutahhari  "Therefore, we should know what is meant by a perfect man? How he appears spiritually and intellectually, with his peculiarities, in order that we may improve ourselves, and our society based on that model? If we do not know the Islamic definition of a perfect human being, we cannot become a perfect Muslim, or even a relatively perfect human being.

From the viewpoint of Islam, there are two ways of knowing a perfect person: One way is to refer, firstly, to the Holy Qur’an, and secondly, to the traditions (Hadith), for definitions of a perfect man meant to be a best practising Muslim. A perfect Muslim is a person who has attained perfection in Islam; a perfect believer is one who has attained perfection in his faith. Now, we must see how the Holy Qur’an and tradition have portrayed such a person, and with which peculiar attributes. To be considerate, we have many things to quote from both of these sources.

The second way is to regard a real individual who is built up on the model of the Holy Qur’an and Islam, and not an imaginary phantasmal being; but a real and objective personality who exists in various stages of perfection: at its highest level, or, even at slightly lower stages.

The holy Prophet (S) himself is an example of a perfect man in Islam. Imam ‘Ali ibn Abu Talib is another example."

So with that we see by far Batman was not in this definition of perfect as it says he is.

Next about Batman is that the first person inspired by him was Catwoman, a dangerous seductress using her style and methods towards her own ends. Well I don't think I have to say to much on this part as to what it is trying to tell your kids or in fact us adults... I will define seductress in case some don't know. Seductress is a woman who seduces someone, especially one who entices a man into sexual activity.

And again, we see the character Riddler in batman and was another deranged genius who felt a psychological compulsion to demonstrate his intellectual superiority, and constructed elaborate crimes while delivering clues daring law enforcement to catch him.
They call this character and imply that not only is he deranged (mad; insane) but he's a genius (exceptional intellectual or creative power or other natural ability.) I have to say he's far from intellectual as intellectual would overide his criminal attitude however for sake of argument let's say he's intellectual but not using it  correctly. What is this teaching our kids that their is a way to try to sneak around and to misuse our intellect...? have you ever seen kids pretending to be him... Though our main focus is on Batman, their is a whole different ball game of what is being feed to your kids and to you.

There is another criminal in the movie named Carmine "The Roman" Falcone at one point, Batman even invaded the Roman's personal bedroom, assaulted him, stripped him to his underwear, leaveing him hogtied to his bed before dumping his car into the river. Humiliated.

Well again I think that says it all... in Islam we believe that all humans are born in a state of hounor and no one should try to dishonour someone and there are many rules of how to treat a criminal in our beliefs and one is certainly not stripping him and humiliating them like that!!

With multiple romance to women throughout the series and woman who are far from modest, and the idea that fighting is the only option to confront crimes the ideas are feed over and over as the movies, episodes and play become a great interest and captures one by believing this this is Ok.

My last point to this topic is enjoining good and forbidding evil. We know that their are times when one can't enjoining good and forbid evil but even if we can not do anything about these types of things on the outside we must refuse to accept it in our lives, in our children's lives and we should dislike it, we shouldn't give in and allow it to be feed to us or our kids. It isn't a harmless thing. Many kids that have become attracted to these types of characters have gone off doing sinful things.

We must stand for what is right even if we stand alone!

Monday, 25 June 2018

My Experence: Barzakh and Day of Judgement

Salaam alaykom to my readers,
How many of us have gone day by day with little to maybe even no reflection on our state in this world? No I don't mean the material state, if we have a car or house or if we can buy the newest smartphone. I mean our souls state. This is the most important thing we can really do for ourselves. Those things that are material will soon depart us and all we will be left with is how we maintained our souls. Did we do any good for it in this world? Did we collect more good deeds? Have we repented for those things that we did wrong? Our death is like one breath away and we can never be certain to our state for the here after, what will become of us in barzakh? Will we have made ourselves a paradise abode or will we have made ourselves the patch of hell to abide there in.
Can you imagine the intensity of the fire and the torments that will befall us if we don't pay heed.
For myself I have had my share of experiences that I should always reflect upon to always have taqwa (awareness of Allah).  I will share with you some of them.
Many nights I had repeated dreams of hitting the ditch in my vechile. It's was a very long time from the first one until the day me and my family got into an accident. The van hit ice on the way home. I wasn't aware of the road condition when it happen so I was going 100km. We fish tailed just missing some vechile one being a semi. Then at the last one I tried to touch the break as I was in the wrong lane and from a distance I could see another vechile. Not being experienced in the type of weather we where having and riding on only ice wasn't something I was familiar with. I touched the break to see if I could stop or slow down. My van spun out of control, flying backwards and side ways into the opposite side of the road heading for the ditch. I recall looking to my right and my eyes darted past my husband, who I could see was turned around trying to hold my son down (yes he was in a carseat and strapped in but I think out of fear for him he tried to brace him for the impacted we both assumed was about to take place) my vision turned to the ditch full of snow and for a split second all I thought was,  slam the breaks to try to slow the impact down. So I pushed my foot to the floor of the van and I seen the snow fly up beside us and the high weeds from the ditch. (Which was like my dreams before)  Within seconds we came to a gentle stop. I was stunned that we where all Ok, not even an egg was broken in the back of the van. More amazed of Allah's power was that the van came out with no damage!
This experience made me realize that Allah had power over all things, I mean I had already known it intellectually but never really reflected with an experience, which was a whole different thing.

Another thing was one I actually couldn't understand until now. It is another dream in which I saw the day of judgement. I watch a group of people gathered in front of a man on a throne and I knew these people where not good people and some I could tell where hypocrites. One was sentenced to hell and he tried to run away, he hit a door as this image (the angel that takes those souls to hell) flew after him and I heard someone laugh I told that person "it's not funny, he'll never be able to run away"

I tried to understand this dream and think about it but wasn't sure until last night what it maybe meant when something came toward me.

I was in my prayers just starting magrib I went down to do sajood when something came towards me. Now it was not the first time I've seen the black like thing but never where it's come at me like that. It was down and in a crawling, running position it came at me stopping as I almost hit sajood. I was startled but was able to continue and finish prayers. I was scared to be honest but after reflecting on what happen, whatever it was I realized that if I don't please Allah in all I do this fear that struck my chest last night would be the least of the fears that the grave will bring about.

May Allah help us all to go toward Him and run away from that which takes us away from Him.

Ghadeer khum, Imam Ali (AS) Appointed?(sunni ref)

What happen at Ghadeer khum? How do we know ahlubayt AS didn't mean wives included? How do we know imam Ali AS was appointed? The event ...