The Messenger of Allah (S) says,
“One who considers prayers light (insignificant) is not from us.” Another hadith mentions that such a person will not get the intercession of Ahl ul-Bayt (a.s.).
So how do we better our state to either begin to pray or to better our namaaz?
One should realize that this act of namaaz was a command by Allah swt and therefore as a Muslim we should submit to His command. But doing this isn't always easy for everyone this may be easy for sum while on the same hand a test for another. The more we learn about namaaz and its benifits to us we will come to realize its importance and will want to be doing it as perfect as we can.
So for those finding it hard to connect in namaaz and therefore finding ourselves not eager to pray we should first learn the meaning behind the words we are reciting so that way this would have an impact on our thoughts while we recite. Don't feel overwhelmed when starting this processes as shaytan will be on the road trying to deteriorate you from achieving your goals and that is to worship Allah how He has asked us too, and to confirm this Quran says surah 7 ayat 16 "[Satan] said, "Because You have put me in error, I will surely sit in wait for them on Your straight path."
So it shouldn't seem odd when we decide to try to go towards worshipping Allah we start to find the world tempting and hard. At this point we need to ask Allah for help and persistently push forward towards our goal and that is obidence to our Creator.
Of course we could speak about this for along time, but let's start here and make our way to pleasing Allah swt in sha Allah.