Tuesday, 6 November 2018


Salaam alaykom,
This will be a short blog but it is filled with much to reflect in sha Allah!

When we invoke Allah with the word Bislimllah we are asking only Him to help us and seeking His protection. We also gain a sense of confidence which helps us through the task we are about to perform. Starting off using Bismillah makes our intentions and the essence of the actions pure. The task that we are performing becomes blessed through these words and Allah has said “it is incumbent upon Me that I should complete his works for him”
When we start off by using Bismillah we humble ourselves and show acknowledgment that we are helpless without Him and that we need Him only to complete any task.
Saying Bismillah is not done with just the tongue, it must be done with the heart. We must truly understand the true depth of these words and feel it when we are invoking Allah with Bismillah. Through true remembrance of Allah when using bismillah we can gain virtuous and rid ourselves from vices and reach ultimate happiness which is nearness to our One and Only Beloved.

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