Wednesday, 11 September 2019

Imam Hussain's Mission, and What Lesson we Can Take From Karbala

May Allah double up our rewards on the account of our sorrow for imam Hussain AS
And may He include you and us with those who shall take revenge upon his killers with his blood clamier, Iman al mahdi, who belongs to the household of Muhammad SAWA

I Want us to reflect on these points I'm going to give, really reflect upon them while I'm going through them and afterwards, in fact please, this is my humble request, and  that is for us all to sit tonight and reflect upon these points and see if there is anything in our lives we can change so that we are more closer to Allah swt. Let us not go through these days and nights of muharram and pass them by with tears and lamenting for it to end there at the 40 day mark, if afterwards we have not changed ourselves even a little towards being closer to God we have not allowed Karbala and the event of Ashura, or that of which happened after, pierce our hearts. If we do not change we would have not only disappointed Imam Hussain, but what about Lady Fatima or Lady Zaynab and don't forget about lady Sukina.

The love we have for imam Hussain the tears we have shaded for Lady Zaynab SA, how her covering was snatched away from her, what excuse do we have not to obey Allah? What excuse do we have to not wear hijab? I know this may sound bold but these tears and the pain in our chest should produce love for Lady Zaynab SA and Imam Hussain AS, this love should produce actions, these action of what Lady Zaynab stood up for the actions to which Imam Hussain sacrificed himself for, truth my dear sister, what is this truth, this truth is obedience to Allah! Can you imagine only 48 years after the holy prophet SAWA had passed away those who claimed to be Muslims were trapping the caravan of Imam Hussain, the grandson of Rasoul- Allah. This is a very short time from the Prophets death to these tyrants tactics in slaughtering the grandson of imam Hussain. This stance of imam Hussain and his caravan is for us 1300 years later to know truth, not just the truth of Karbala which by the way was the critical role of women in Karbala, it was the woman that kept the message alive after by spreading the awareness of the tragedy that they had seen and was Subjected too.
We see the stance of Hussain before he even left medina when he said "The purpose of my stand is the reformation of my grandfather’s nation. I intend to enjoin goodness and forbid evil. I want to emulate my grandfather, the Holy Prophet (S)and my father Ali Bin Abu Talib (A). Whosoever accepts me by accepting the truth, then Allah is higher than the truth. And whosoever rejects me then I will bear patiently until Allah adjudges between me and them and He is the best Judge.”

By far one of the worst tragedies of Karbala came when the tyrants snatched the women's coverings from them, we mourn every year for Lady Zaynab as they dragged her through the hot dessert without her rights of covering, not only her right but a command by Allah in which these so called tyrants said they adhered to. Lady Zaynab knew the truth, that was obedience to Allah commands and yet someone snatched that away from her, what excuse do we have! Who snatched our coverings away? Maybe some of us wear beautiful hijab but what about everything else in our lives, can I say I'm mirroring the beautiful and pious Lady Zaynab or her mother Lady Fatima bint Muhammad SA?
So through this speech I've made we can clearly see very crucial points in this tragic event that we much reflect of in our lives and see if we are living like that to which imam Hussain AS and all his companions and family stood for on the plains of Karbala. We really do not have a right to cry Hussain but not be good shias everyday! We have the most perfect religion, let us be an example for all that this perfect religion has good and pious followers. Listening to the call of imam Hussain in which he cried out on the hot plains of Karbala "is there anyone else to help me?" Me to truly help Hussain in his mission and that was to hold firmly to Allah and the truth against the oppression we may face everyday and stand in the face of falsehood and reject it whole heartily! 
Lets put these reflecting into points  today, because if we do not reflect and change even just a little from now to next muharram we have not came running to Hussains call.

Point one truth will prevail over falsehood and that this truth is completely obeying Allah even if that's against ones desires. Don't think that mothers and wives that sent their men out for hussain did not love them, but it was that they sacrificed this love for a greater love and that was obeying Allah! I want to bring you to the event I recall from Karbala and that is when the mother of Wahab and his wife went to Karbala to defend Imam Hussain. This event he goes towards the army of yazid LA and fights courageously and dies on the plains of Karbala, the tyrants behead him and throw his severed head towards the mother,  the mother throws it back and says "What we have sacrificed for our Imam and for Islam we do not take back. I am sorry I have one son only. If I had twenty, they all would have fought Yazid today." I want to mention that this family that stood for truth that day was previously a Christian family but converted just before this event. This love they had for imam Husayn and the truth was shown through their actions that day when they sacrificed a lot, a mother lost her son and a new bride her husband. How much in our lives can we say we sacrificed for truth, for Allah, have we obeyed Allah, have we truly lived like those that stood for truth

Point two which I feel is not usually talked about when it comes to Karbala and that is knowledge. Karbala was the number one reason for us to be able to learn and seek knowledge about our religion. Around 70 to 80 years after Karbala the tyrant regime was overthrown due to the event of Karbala, then in this time, which was the time of imam Sadiq AS knowledge was able to flourish and grow, institute of learning happened, had this not happened we would not have been privileged to gain so much knowledge from these types of circles that happened. And this point I want us to reflect on if we have been truly grateful to this, how many of us learn any Islam studies, other learnings we get from school is good but what very important, and is more important is learning about our religion. 

Point three is rights, Karbala was a picture perfect event to teach us that we need to obey the right Allah has set forth on us, like the right of a teacher, rights of the parents, rights on ourselves and mainly right towards Allah swt. Let me take you to the event in Karbala where Imam Hussain spoke to the enemies, Imam Husayn offered to take one of three alternatives. He wanted no political power and no revenge. He said “I came to defend my own people. If I am too late, give me the choice of three alternatives: either to return to Mecca; or to face Yazid himself at Damascus; or if my very presence is distasteful to him and you, I do not wish to cause more divisions among the Muslims.

Let me at least go to a distant frontier, where, if fighting must be done, I will fight against the enemies of Islam.” Every one of these alternatives was refused. 
Here this story we can clearly see that imam Hussain was lowering what was rightfully his in order to keep peace between Muslims and to protect the right of other Muslims. 
However the enemies were no true to being followers of Prophet Muhammad SAWA as then trampled on imam Hussain rights through this tragic event and the rights of all those there. Imam Hussain stood for humanity, that people should have the right to practise their beliefs, the right to live and the rights of protection. 

Courage of the fighters and especially the women, and that of lady zaynab

1. Lady Zaynab courage to standing up and defending Imam Zain ul Abidien 
2. Lady Zaynabs courage towards her leadership through out the events of Ashura and as they marched them through the hot sands
3. Lady zaynabs speech toward the coward tyrant yazid, here I want to give you a simple yet mighty example of part of her speech,
"O Yazid! Allah and His Prophet have said that committing sins and considering the signs of Allah to be false is ridiculing them
"O Yazid! Do you think that we have become humble and despicable owing to the martyrdom of our people and our own captivity? As you have blocked all the paths for us, and we have been made captives and are being taken from one place to another, do you think that Allah has taken away his blessings from us? Do you think that by killing the godly persons you have become great and respectable and the Almighty looks at you with special grace and kindness?

For this reason and on account of this incorrect thinking you have become elated and arrogant. You have become boastful because you have seen that the matters have taken a turn in your favour. You have, however, forgotten what Allah says:

The disbelievers must not think that our respite is for their good We only give them time to let them increase their sins. For them there will be a humiliating torment." (Surah Ale Imran, 3: 178)"

Last point is Justice

Hussain rose for justice by not submitting to paying allegiance to an oppressor like yazid. Here we need to remember that in life excpecially now a days we see so much oppression in life, we see Kashmir,  Palatine, bahrain and many like these place being oppressed and sadly being sometimes forgotten. We need to stand up for these oppressed people and speak out or do whatever we can for them. 

Here I wish to end the speech by on last thought and that is as we see Karbala was a sad event in which on the outwardness, we see the greatest people being killed and rights taken away however as you see through our reflections today in sha Allah the spirtual side was justice, courage,  loyalty and obidence to Allah this is what Sayyida Zainab meant when he said she saw nothing but beauty!

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