Monday, 25 May 2020

What are we Working for?

Salaam alaykom,
What are we working for? What a question to ponder on, often when we think about working we think of having a good job, earning enough money, buying that dream home or that dream car. Our achievement we are striving for is often based on this world, and often this striving for this world plays a huge part on forgetting the hereafter. Even if we remember the hereafter here and there, it's often forgotten most the time. Our want for material gain, mask what we should truly be striving hard for. Let us ponder over working hard for the material world, think about how much we work getting the job we want to be able to afford the house or car we have really wanted, but after so long the car gets old or something happens that the house gets ruined, we worked so hard to gain that item but it was never meant to be ours forever. Even if it stayed in the greatest conditions till our death, we still will depart it at this point, all we worked so hard for, we often trade our hereafter for this world without even realizing it. But for what, an item that was never meant to last forever, an item you will depart with, did it help to gain your hereafter? The hereafter after all is an eternal abode. How much have we worked to get the best in the hereafter? Now getting a home or owning a car isn't bad in itself, but what is, what could ruin you, is being attached to that item. Think to yourself, that item you hold so dear to yourself if it was to get ruined right now how would you feel? Would you be angry or upset or cry? If it will hurt you to lose that item this is harmful to yourself, to you soul. This attachment should be redirected towards your Lord, attach this love to those Allah loves, our Holy Prophet SAWA and his Ahlu Bayt AS. The same deep love that you had for that item once, attached it to those beloved by Allah, this deep attachment and love will create action of obedience towards Him the Almighty. At this time you begin to strive and work towards your hereafter, but stay vigilant not to become attached to any other item in this world, use the items to help you through this world and to better yourself for the hereafter. Use the money that Allah gives you and support the poor, help the sick, give much to orphans and widows. Know that working for this world leaves you and is quickly dissolved at the moment of your death. Ponder much on your attachment to this world and work hard for the hereafter. May Allah grant us this dis-attachment from this world such like Imam Ali AS said I have divorce this world three times.

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